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Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to write a book. Growing up, that desire changed from writing fiction to writing about things I love which were paleontology first and movies now. Even if this dream of mine kept changing its form, the nature of it has always remained the same. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Now, I have the opportunity to achieve that dream. “1994 In Film”, that’s the name. It’ll be a huge encyclopedia of all notable films that came out between January and December 1994. And this is where you guys kick in. Our plan is to extend this project to every  writer that wants to challenge himself, writing at least one review of a 1994 film to be able to get featured in our book. 


If we find you to be suitable for “1994 In Film” we’ll contact you via mail and you’ll be able to access our exclusive Telegram group where you’ll find all the info you’ll need. The latter will be used by our Editors Team to announce news and updates and you’ll be able to connect with other writers as well. This is a great opportunity for each and every one of you to promote your work and to prove to the world and to yourselves that the Internet is not a bad place, you’ll prove to everyone that we can use the Internet for good.


About the book, we still don’t have a publisher or an agent or anything like that. If you know somebody who could help us make this dream reality, or if you are an agent/working in the books industry yourself, please reach us at either one of these emails:


Please keep in mind that, for the moment, we don't plan to monetize this effort of ours. We don't want money to be the main reason for writers to join our project. Things might change in the future, but for now we can't promise anything.


I hope that was convincing enough and that you’ll join us on this journey. Help us make this dream come true.


Thank You.


                 - Mark Schöeberg (in behalf of the "It's Only A Movie" group)

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